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About Us

We are so glad you are here! We, Sandra & Eric, hope to use this website as a way to keep family and friends involved in our crazy adventure of homesteading! We also plan to document what we love and throw a little bit of the why we are choosing this lifestyle.

Our goal is to transform this once Christmas tree farm into a self reliant permaculture homestead. We are slowly taking the baby steps to make this dream a reality. We hope you enjoy following our journey.

With our love and gratitude,
Sandra & Eric


What does Feral Faerie Farm mean to us?

It took us many years and many long hours of conversation and contemplation before we were satisfied with the name of our homestead. As much as this is our dream, we fundamentally believe we are creating a legacy for our children. Their input and ideas were also part of the decision.

Feral… from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, both definitions “…having escaped from domestication and become wild…” and “…not domesticated or cultivated…” apply to our family. We moved out into the country from the city. Although we both spent much time in smaller towns growing up, we in turn, continue to strive to be free from our domestication. What do we mean by domestication? Well, that’s a long blog post in and of itself. In short, it means we will constantly relearn what our ancestors intuitively knew about living in harmony with the land, plants, animals, and people.

Faerie… Our homestead is in the former logging town of Dryad. A dryad is a tree sprite. There are certainly faeries and magic in our trees and forest, just as the loggers who named this place Dryad believed! We also believe that our little ones are growing up in a way that allows them to have an intimate connection with nature.

Farm… While we’re not exactly a working farm at the moment, from the very beginning we always said we wanted to buy a farm. That notion stuck with our children and they would call this place nothing less than a farm.

We choose to follow the path our hearts, minds, and spirits lead us. We fully embrace the whole and complete vision of permaculture. We don’t want our family to simply live–where we are going through the motions of work, spend, save, and work some more until everything that gives our lives meaning has been leeched away. To quote Thoreau, we want to live deliberately. We want to suck the marrow out of life and share it with our family and friends. Such a lifestyle can be hard to find when you’re trapped in the confines of society.

We want to put together this space–this homestead–not to cultivate and domesticate the land. We choose to rewild ourselves and shift the ecosystem of this land to be productive and life giving. We choose to allow this space to sustain our current family and the generations that will follow us. We choose to share what we learn and what we discover with others that are curious and want to know more. By attempting to do this we will not just live, but thrive!

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